Hi! :)

Hi there! My name is Crystaline Jeanetta John. I'm 18 years old (Apparently. XD)

This is a blog filled with my writings, thoughts, feelings, and a lot of other random stuff. I hope you like what you see. If you don't, that's alright, we're all entitled to our opinions. Do leave your comments and suggestions if you have any :)

my photography blog. Thanks! :)

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Random musings

I saw this and clicked it because I thought it looked pretty. Later I looked more closely at the picture and saw the difference between the tree on the right side and the tree on the left side. One is kinda barren and the other isn't. But both of them make the picture beautiful. And then I thought about people. People are different. On the inside and the outside. But together they all make up a beautiful picture because each person is beautiful in his/her own way. And then I thought about how people always want to be like other people. And then I wondered why. Why do people want to trade their beauty for someone else's? Why are people imitating each other? We're all victims. All of us. But why? Why don't we understand and believe in our own beauty? I don't know. I just know that if every person did, then this world would be more than just beautiful. It would be magnificent. Radiant. Truly awesome.  

#random #deepthoughts #nature #trees #peoplearedifferent #different #unique #beautiful #world #sunset #clouds #shadows #silhouettes #mythoughts #randomthoughts #everyoneisbeautiful #philosophical #iamsoweird #lol #love #happy #idontunderastand #unansweredquestions #sigh #radiant #awesome